Jesus and the End Time Facebook Page | Post Collections

The following documents are collections of different kinds of data about Facebook posts that still appear online. The kinds of data included in these documents are described in the entries shown below. Within each document, data for each post is shown in the order in which it was posted, and is identified by an eight character Date Code derived from its date, e.g., Jan01-24. With these documents, users can find information about posts either by scrolling through them manually, or by accessing them randomly by entering their Date Codes on the document's 'Find Text' line. Because all documents use the same Date Codes for their posts, users may use them with as few or as many documents as necessary to find all the information they want about the posts they are interested in.

I: The following documents are covered by the Free License*

Best Main Posts

This document includes basic screenshot copies of the Main Posts which the author regards as the most interesting, or most important, or both.

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Best Main Post Attachments

This document includes enlarged versions of the JPG images that appear as parts of all Main Posts that appear in the Best Main Posts document.

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II: The following documents can be used without restrictions

List of Best Main Posts

This document lists the Date Codes which can be used to identify and/or randomly access all Main Posts that appear in the Best Main Posts document.

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List of All Main Posts

This document lists the Date Codes which can be used to identify and/or randomly access all Main Posts that appear in the All Main Posts document.

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III: The following documents are NOT covered by the Free License*

All Main Posts

This document includes basic screenshot copies of all Main Posts which have appeared online, and have not later been deleted or superseded.


All Main Post Attachments

This document includes enlarged versions of the JPG images that appear as parts of all Main Posts that appear in the All Main Posts document.


All Main Post Comments

This document includes copies of all parts of all comments (if any) which follow Main Posts that appear in the All Main Posts document.


All Words Included in Main Posts

This document includes text-searchable copies of all of words which appear in the main bodies of all Main Posts that appear in the All Main Posts document.


* Note 1: The full text of the above-mentioned Free License may be found on the Table of Contents page of the Jesus and the End Time website.

** Note 2: The words 'Access Restricted' mean either that all rights in these documents have been retained by their author, or that he has sold or licensed these rights to a person or group that is free to grant some or all of these rights to anyone they choose.

See  TABLE OF CONTENTS  to read or download complete copies of all files
See ILLUSTRATIONS to select collections of photos, maps, and artworks that relate to the End Time.
Useful Search Terms

Eschatology of Jesus in KJV Bible

Teachings of Jesus about hell

Everlasting punishment

End Time teachings of Jesus

End Time prophecy websites

End Time prophecies of Jesus

Eternal conscious torment

Teachings of Jesus about heaven

Senses of the word everlasting